STARTERS – “The monster is flying a kite” | 7 descriptive sentences

STARTERS - "The monster is flying a kite" | 7 sentences

Đăng ngày 16/06/2020

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1   Who can take on this Starters challenge?

This challenge is for kids ages 6-8. This is part of the Reading and Writing test of the Pre A1 Starters exam. Please write the translation into Vietnamese in the Comment section. Any child who translates successfully will get a scholarship of VND 200,000 when applying for a course at WS ENGLISH.


2   What does the sentence “The monster is flying a kite” mean?

Answer: This sentence means “Con quái vật đang thả diều”.


Let’s look at the seven descriptive sentences in the Starters Reading and Writing Test part 2

1. There is a monster between the girl and the boy.

2. The monster is eating a pineapple.

3. The boy is fishing.

4. There is a fish in the water.

5. The girl is drawing a picture.

6. The monster is flying a kite.

7. The girl is wearing trousers.


Kids, hurry up and join this competition.


3   Learn Online on

Any child who cannot translate can see Lesson 2 in the Online course, Exam Preparation for Starters – The secret to achieving a maximum score of 15/15 shields.

Do not forget to share this article with your friends and family.



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