1 Who can take on the challenge, “STARTERS Exam Preparation | children 6-8 years old”?
This challenge is for kids ages 6-8. This is part of the Reading and Writing test of the Pre A1 Starters exam. Please write the translation into Vietnamese in the Comment section. Any child who translates successfully will get a scholarship of VND 200,000 when applying for a course at WS ENGLISH.
2 Reading and Writing Part 1 – Starters Exam Preparation – for children 6-8 years old
Do you know the meaning of this sentence “This is …”?
“This is …” means “Đây là …”
Let’s translate the sentences below, kids.
1 This is a camera.
2 This is a chicken.
3 This is a bath.
4 This is a snake.
5 This is a boat.
6 This is a sock.
Kids, hurry up and join this competition.
3 Learn Online on Advanedu.com
Any child who cannot translate can see Lesson 1 in the Online course, Exam Preparation for Starters – The secret to getting a maximum score of 15/15 shields.
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